The Zodiac
The man who has never been caught

This man has been so overdone. I am just going to briefly give a short little basic what he did, my thoughts, and movies about him. I know most people think all, or most, serial killers are overdone. I deep dive into them because I have always had an interest in them. Since this man was never caught, he’s one that is overdone and will probably always be overdone. Here is a quick article, my shortest one I’m sure, the Zodiac.
The Zodiac is a self named serial killer. He gave himself the name in a letter he wrote to the media. Not many serial killers name themselves. He is linked to 5 murders in the San Francisco Bay area. He claimed to kill 37 people. He was never caught or even identified.
He used cryptograms. He would send them to the media, claiming that if they could be solved then people wouldn’t die, and that his name was in his last one. His last letter to the media was in 1974. They then just stopped. Like out of the blue, it’s like he disappeared.
Possible suspects are as follows: Arthur Leigh Allen
Earl Van Best Jr
Louie Myers
It is believed that a special team of 40 former law enforcement teams cracked the code. They believed that the Zodiac was a guy by the name of Gary Francis Poste, who died in 2018. So, it was never confirmed or not if that’s who it was. This case may never be closed. He was a smart man who knew how to evade police.
Movies about The Zodiac:
Zodiac (2007)
The Zodiac Killer (1971)
Awakening The Zodiac (2017)