Member-only story
Pregnancy, birth, and first year of my youngest son C.
In August of 2014, I looked at my now husband and told him I was pregnant. He asked how I knew I told him my boobs felt different. Went and got a blood test done, sure enough I was about 2 weeks. I was told I had to go every week for a blood draw until I was 8 weeks. At 8 weeks, I made my first 2 OB appointments. 1 with a high-risk doctor and 1 with a regular OB. I had to be seen by a high-risk due to A being born prematurely. I saw the high-risk doctor who delivered A twice a month and my regular once a month. Everything started off normal. My due date was April 20, 2015.
I went for my 20-week appointment, and I found out I have having another boy. The following week, I had to be seen at the high-risk doctor. My appointment was at 11 am. I went back, and they did an ultrasound. The tech told me to sit tight. 20 minutes later, another tech came in and did an ultrasound. Once again, I was told to sit tight. A doctor in the office came in about 30 minutes later and did another ultrasound. By this point, I am scared and worried. The doctor told me once again to sit tight. By this point, I have been here 3 hours. After another 45 minutes, the doctor who did the 3rd ultrasound came in. I was told that my cervix was shortening. She told me that she called my high-risk OB who wasn’t in office. Then I was told I needed a cerclage. That is where the stitch…