Member-only story
Mentally Stable
Emotionally unstable
I am one of those who is mentally stable but emotionally unstable. This is not healthy. I studied psychology. So, yes, I know being emotionally unstable is very unhealthy.
I hid 90% of my emotions. I don’t let myself feel sadness. What I mean by that is I choose to block out the urge to cry, to grieve, to lose myself. When I bubble over, and I start to cry I HATE being touched. My first reaction to someone trying to hug me while I am crying is to swing.
Now, anger is one emotion that gets out of hand. I can not control my anger. When I get mad, I argue. When I get pissed, my only thoughts are to make you cry and hurt your feelings. There is no in-between. It goes from 0 to 100 real fast. There is no calming down. I stay that way for HOURS. There is times the littlest thing can make me mad and send me into a ranting bitch.
There is no level of stress for me. I go from not feeling stress to beyond stressed that I want to shave my head and pull a 2007 Britney Spears. It makes me crazy. It honestly can make me mad. Being stressed pisses me off. It is all connected. There’s no manging that.
Happiness comes and goes. There are things that make me happy, but the mood of happiness never stays. It always gets pushed out by another emotion.