Member-only story
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer
The Milwaukee Cannibal.
WARNING: ⚠️⚠️ This article will contain crime scene photos, mentions of cannibalism, Rape, mention of minors, and graphic details about his crimes. This article is NOT for everybody. Also want to state that most of his victims were African-American men.
Jeffrey Dahmer is one of the first serial killers that I started to learn about as a teenager. When I was learning and reading about serial killers as a teen, he was one that I was like, I would meet him. I knew I was safe around him, being as he was into men. He is not one of the worst ones, but what he did is still bad. Let’s dig in.
Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born May 21, 1960, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Lionel and Joyce Dahmer. Lionel and Joyce would describe Jeffrey as an energetic and happy child up until the age of 4. Jeffrey had a very traumatic surgery to correct a double hernia. It was a painful recovery for him as well. After this, he changed. He became more withdrawn after the birth of his little brother. It did not help that the family moved quite frequently. By the time he was of age to start school, the family was living in Ohio.
At a young age, Jeffrey developed a fascination that was not normal. He became fascinated with animal bones. He would study how to clean them and preserve them. Which is not as bad then because he was not the one killing the animals, yet. He also started to collect large insects and small animal skulls. He would preserve them in jars of formaldehyde. He was not dumb…