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Hannah House
Indianapolis, Indiana

This article is just a little information on the Hannah House that is located at 3801 E. Madison Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana. It is said to be haunted. I don’t know if it is or not, I have never been there. This is a 24-room home that was built in 1858. You can go do overnight ghost hunts or tours. It is said that this house was a safe haven for enslaved runaways along the Underground Railroad; this was never actually proven.
Alexander Moore Hannah (1821-1895) was a very prominent businessman. He was also a farmer. He grew up in Indiana. He worked as a harness maker for several years before moving. He moved out to California in 1850. He made this move to make his fortune during the California Gold Rush.
He succeeded in making his fortune. He then invested it in a barley and vegetable farm. After about 5 years, he sold his part of the ranch and headed back home to Indiana. Once back in Indiana, he went to work with his father Samuel Hamnah at the Indiana Centeral Railroad. In just 2 short years, he had made enough money to purchase a 240-acre farm on the southside of Indianapolis.
It was this property that he had starred to grow wheat, corn, oats, and hay. He raised cattle, sheep, and hogs. This property also held a stretch of the Indianapolis-Southport Toll Road. Being a smart man, he used this to his advantage. He…