Denbigh Castle

Castle Hill, Denbigh, LL16 3NB, United Kingdom.

Louise Ray
2 min readApr 10, 2024

This castle, I thought, was going to be interesting to learn how it went from something amazing to ruins. While I personally thought it was gonna have a more interesting back story, it wasn’t bad to learn about.

Image found on Google.

Denbigh Castle is a 13th-century castle that is located in Wales. Constructed around 1282, Denbigh Castle is one of the “Iron ring” of fortifications built by King Edward 1 to establish his dominance over Wales. Edward invaded Wales in 1277. He defeated Prince of Wales Llywelyn ap Gruffydd (Llywelyn the Last) and proceeded to encircle it with a striking physical remainder of his authority.

Denbigh Castles' construction was particularly symbolic. The reason was that it was built atop of the ruins of the Welsh fortification of Llys. Which is once the home for the Prince of Wales. The Welsh pushed back with some rebellion. The castle construction was halted in 1294, when Welsh forces, led by Madog ap Llewelyn, briefly took hold of it.

Denbigh Castle would eventually be passed through a number of different hands over the coming centuries. Some of the castles' famous owners include Henry 2, Hugh Despenser, Henry ‘Hotspur’ Percy, and Richard Plantagent.

During the War of the Rose’s, it also passed many times between the Yorkists and the…



Louise Ray

SAHM. Autism Boy mom. ⚠️ I will be writing about Serial Killers⚠️ I can be a huge bitch or super nice.